Contact Info
Valentin Blomer
Valentin Blomer (born in Munich) is a German mathematician working on analytic number theory. His main research areas are: number theory, in particular analytic number theory, automorphic forms, L-functions, quadratic forms.
He studied mathematics and computer science at the University of Mainz.
Valentin Blomer is also a pianist, he studied piano at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts.
List of publications according to MathSciNet (login required).
Author profile in the zbMATH Database.
Prizes and Awards
- Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Preis (2005)
- Sloan Research Fellowship (2008)
- André Aisenstadt Prize (2009)
- Lichtenberg Professorship (2009)
- Ribenboim Prize (2010)
- ERC Starting Grant (2010)
- Von Neumann fellowship (2015)
- Elected member of the Academia Europaea (2019)